So This Is A Redesign Regarding To My Anxiety And Problem Using This App For A Long TIme So I Decide Try To Fix Some Little Problem On This Application
My Role Here As UX Designer And Researcher To Understand The Problem And Give Solution To This Application And Keep Updating The Solution
as a person who loves cartoons since I was little. I really like watching cartoons, especially anime. So I often use this application to watch old movies that I watched as a child or new ones
Basically, Bilibili is the best application of the many movie applications that I use, but of course this application can be much better
and when I use this application, I find some difficulties if I want to watch anime and there are still many problems that I face and also some reviews from some users on the Playstore
I Believe 70% Of User's Want To Watch An Anime On This App ,After All This Is An Anime Movie Player
But This What BS Station Give To Us After Onboarding Screen
Users have to do several steps that are quite complicated to see the latest movies. if it's a new user it might be a bit difficult to find it
Yep Intro Are Skipped As Default when I downloaded this application
intro is a very important thing when I watch an anime. It would be a shame if we didn't watch the opening. because that's one of the things that makes anime really memorable. the songs the intro
new user like me the first time using it. it is very difficult and confusing how to disable this feature
Some reviews from playstore are also a reflection of the many problems I got
So Im Thinking to Change The Hierarcy Of The Section ,The Anime Page Should Be The Most Important Thing
And Make Some Little Redesign For The Page
I put updated anime directly on the main anime page after the recommended section and finally now users only need 2 - 3 steps to see anime updates much easier and simpler
So I've put this feature where it's easy to see and can be found easily even in portrait mode. very efficient and this will be very helpful for new users of this application
Nothing Change Significant On This Style .Im Just Using The Default Style Of This App, Just The Font